Hi folks, I really enjoy Mastodon. It does remind me of the olden days of #irc and the #BBS era (in a good way).
I teach computer engineering technology at the University of Kentucky. I'm originally from #Germany.
My main interests here:
@JensHannemann I've been thinking about buying a domain for a Kentucky-centric Mastadon server, but I am not sure there will be sufficient demand yet.
I am also in Lexington
@BlueArcher Yeah, I'm not sure about demand. A way to maybe get the word out more would maybe be to talk to the WUKY folks to give the instance a joint science/journalism focus. Maybe even QX.net can host it, just like they now do host WUKY streaming.
@JensHannemann Welcome!
This is also the first time I've seen Kentucky and Ostfriesland mentioned in the same breath lol
@arctangent Well, that’s where my wife is from. Granted, we’re the only ones I know with that connection, but there’s plenty of Germans in #Lexington
@arctangent So what is your connection to #Ostfriesland ?
@TheRealStu Yeah, I remember the first netsplits. We used IRC quite extensively for running our #IEEE student branch.
Hardly used IRC, but did bbses. Good times. Even set one up myself, but never really used it since only had one line and it was my mom's.
@murdoc Yeah, I was a Fidonet point and also active on the German Z-Netz. Good and simpler times. Local calls in Germany were not free at the time, so it was kinda expensive. I still remember the rate. 23 Pfennig/minute (about 10 US cents at the time).