How #VicePresident and #DemocraticParty #Nominee for #President #KamalaHarris Is Creating a New #Majoritarian #Center.
#Economic #policies that are both broadly #popular and broadly #beneficial are defining a new center. It’s Harris’s #neoliberal #critics who are #extremists
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #DemocraticParty #Allies #Conservatives #Extremism #Fascism #RepublicanParty #ThePartyOfHate #Megathread
#VicePresident #KamalaHarris issues #HurricaneMilton #warning to #residents as ‘#lifethreatening’ #storm heads for west-central #Florida.
The #Category4 #Hurricane has sustained #winds of 155 mph with higher gusts, posing a serious #threat to #Florida's #GulfCoast
— I am putting all the hurricane stories together in the #DemocraticParty part of the Megathread today.
#HurricaneMilton Is a #Category5 #Storm —it has since dropped back to a Category 4 storm — and #Republicans Don’t Seem to Give a #RatsAss
Not having a #climate #policy is one way of having a #climatepolicy.
[Video] #ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump slams #VicePresident #KamalaHarris for not visiting #hurricane hit #NorthCarolina - while she is there.
The #FoxNews #reporter #replies: “She was there today I believe, for three hours.”
#KamalaHarris calls #Fascist #Florida #Governor #RonDeSantis ‘#utterlyirresponsible’ for #refusing #call with her on #hurricane #aid
She called him to discuss #HurricaneHelene and #HurricaneMilton aid. “People are in #desperate #need of #support right now and playing #politicalgames with this moment, in these #crisis situations, these are the height of #emergency situations, it’s utterly #irresponsible, and it is #selfish.”
#Fascist #Florida #Governor #RonDeSantis Snubs #VicePresident #KamalaHarris’s #HurricaneRelief #Calls for the #Dumbest #Reason.
DeSantis is dodging the Harris' calls to #coordinate #HurricaneRelief after #HurricaneHelene and ahead of #HurricaneMilton’s impending landfall. His #avoidance seems aimed at creating a #weapon for #Republicans to use in the 2024 #Election #Campaign. Essentially, DeSantis is #PlayingPolitics with people's lives.
#DemocraticParty #Nominee for President #KamalaHarris calls #ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump ‘incredibly #irresponsible’ for spreading #disinformation about the response to the aftermath of #HurricaneHelene
“There’s a lot of mis- and disinformation being pushed out there by the former president about what is available, particularly to the survivors of Helene,” Harris told reporters. “It’s extraordinarily irresponsible. It’s about him. It’s not about you.”
[Fact Check] No #votes, no #aid?
No, 2020 #votes didn’t determine #disasterrelief #delivery in #NorthCarolina #counties.
North Carolina’s Democratic governor, #RoyCooper, requested a #federal major #disaster #declaration on Sept. 27 and #President #JoeBiden #approved it the next day. "Twenty-five counties were included in the #declaration, regardless of how they voted in the 2020 presidential election."
— This claim is false
#DemocraticParty #Nominee for #President #KamalaHarris undergoes a '#60Minutes' #grilling as #ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump sits it out.
Harris refused to say whether the Biden administration's early #borderpolicy was a #mistake. #Trump totally #chickenedout of sitting for the #traditional #preelection #interview with the #program.
[Video] #VicePresident #KamalaHarris on '#60Minutes': #Americans Are Ready to '#TurnthePage' on Trump.
The Vice President appeared on #CBS's "#60Minutes" as part of a #highprofile #media #push with only weeks left until the #presidential #election.
If you can send Israel 21 billion dollars of taxpayer money for a Genocide, you can spend that money on helping Americans.
#VicePresident #KamalaHarris #attacked #MAGA #misogyny head-on in ‘#CallHerDaddy’ #interview.
The #Democratic #presidential #hopeful’s #appearance on the popular podcast was a clear #rebuttal to #DonaldTrump and the #MAGA #movement. And the #DemocraticParty #Nominee for #President pulled no punches.
What #polling #shows about #Black #voters’ #views of #Democratic #Presidential #Nominee #KamalaHarris and #ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump
Black registered voters have an overwhelmingly positive view of Vice President Kamala Harris.
— “but they’re less sure she would change the country for the better?”
Seriously?! In contrast to #Republican #WannabeDictator #DonaldTrump, who openly aligns with #whitesupremacist beliefs, this statement is absolutely absurd.
The choice for Black Americans between Vice president Kamala Harris, who represents progress, and Trump, who's a convicted felon and aligned with dangerous extremist ideologies, should be crystal clear to everyone.
This New Powerful #Campaign #Ad from #VicePresident #KamalaHarris Is Going To Break #ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump
This #ad is #powerful, using Trump's own #words against him.
#Octobersurprise is a ‘huge #myth,’ #VicePresident #KamalaHarris will win: #AllanLichtman
Looking ahead to November, eight of the keys favor Harris, while three do not, according to Lichtman. The final two keys — #foreignpolicy #success and #failure — could go either way but won’t #sway the final #outcome, he #predicted.
Rep. #JasmineCrockett Has Already #WonOver #Dallas. Now, She’s Going #National
Crockett has amassed growing #recognition by introducing the #art of the #masterful #clapback to a #DemocraticParty that hasn’t always been known for its quick #repartee.
#LGBTQRights And #AbortionRights Are On The #Ballot In #NewYork
#NewYorkers will have the rare opportunity to #strengthen #LGBTQ and #abortion #rights within the #State #Constitution this November.
A Grand Unified #Theory of Why the #Trump - #Harris #Polls Might Be Wrong.
The #VP is way more #popular, #congressional #Democrats are #rising, and . . . the Harris-Trump numbers are stuck at +2?
#Gay #Holocaust #survivor #GrandmaElli joins #TikTok to urge people to #vote against the next #Hitler.
With the help of her #kids and #grandkids, Grandma Elli has taken TikTok by storm to emphasize the #stakes of the upcoming #election
#ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump’s #gay #niece says we’re not ready for the #vengeance he’ll unleash if he #wins.
She urged the #American #people to take his #fascist #threats #seriously. He really does want to be a #dictator.
As #US #Election Looms, 3 of 4 #Voters #Fear #PoliticalViolence.
"This most recent #poll shows that #voters want to #vote more than ever despite, or perhaps because, our #democracy is #threatened with the dark cloud of #electiondenial and #violence."
— I personally have friends moving to Costa Rica before the November Election and they plan on staying at least through the Inauguration. If I had the money to do so, I probably would as well. Though I prefer the Philippines
OPINION: If #Trump #wins, #count on continued #culturewars, #schoolvouchers and a #fixation on ending the #federal #DepartmentofEducation.
Expect a new era of #isolation, #separatism and a “#politics of #humiliation”.
The Boundless #Destruction of #DonaldTrump’s #MassDeportation #Plan.
His #solution to the #housingcrisis is the perfect #distillation of #Trumpism: It’s mind-blowingly #evil, and it has no hope of #working.
‘The #KKK Thought the Same’: #ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump Hit with #Accusations of Scientific #Racism After Suggesting Certain People Will Commit #Murder Because ‘It’s In Their #Genes’
“Let me guess…the #immigrants coming from #Europe don’t have the ‘#badgenes,” one X user wrote. “The #KKK thought the same about #black #people during #JimCrow and beyond,” someone else added.
After picking ‘#cognitive #problems’ #fight, #ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump faces #awkward #questions.
As the race enters its final month, it's #Trump — who could become the oldest person ever to serve as #president — facing questions about being #CognitivelyImpaired.
— He's senile.
#ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump’s #Ugly #ClosingArgument.
He delivers a #mix of #disinformation, #falseclaims about #cheating in #elections and #personal #attacks
— You know the mantra: “Every Republican accusation is actually an admission of their own guilt.” They love to project their desires, actions, and motivations onto their opponents.
#ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump Gets #Unhinged, Even for Him, Over #KamalaHarris ‘#60Minutes’ #Interview
The former president claimed the vice president’s sitdown with “60 Minutes”—something he #chickenedout on after #agreeing to do it—was “the WORST Interview.”
#AndersonCooper is #disgusted by #DonaldTrump’s latest #oralsex #joke about #KamalaHarris.
"This is the #Republican #candidate for #president" talking about "two of the most #accomplished #women in #American #political #history," Cooper stressed.
— Republicans need to be taught how to feel shame again.
Trump Marks #October7th #Anniversary With #Vile, #Shameless #Comments.
#ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump has decided to weigh in on the October 7 anniversary, making #disturbing #comments about both #Jewish #people and #Palestinians in #Gaza.
Column: #ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump seems to think he’s #losing. Would the #RepublicanParty #survive his #defeat?
With Trump's influence at the core of the party, could the Republican Party endure a defeat that unseats its controversial figurehead? Or would the cracks deepen, leaving it fractured and weakened?
— Not if we take former Vice President Mike Pence's words to Trump to heart, “you took a dying political party and gave it a new lease on life."
If Trump is out many of the Racists and White Suprmacists he brought to their big tent will leave and go home.
#ElonMusk Voices His #undyingloyalty to Trump: Fears #Imprisonment if #KamalaHarris #Wins the #Election
“I’ve been trashing Kamala nonstop.” Musk stated, expressing fear over the potential long-term consequences of continued Democratic leadership. “My view is that if Trump doesn’t win this election it’s the last election we are going to have”
— Don't imprison him, deport him for illegal coordination between his PAC and the Trump Campaign.
#FBI #probe of #BruceKavanaugh #constrained by #Trump #WhiteHouse, #report finds.
A #Democratic #senator’s #report finds new #evidence of the #WhiteHouse #controlling an #FBI #investigation into #sexualassault #claims against the #Unqualified #SupremeCourt #nominee.
Thanks to an ai generated image #MAGA thinks #Trump dredged through water to help #HurricaneHelene #victims—there’s just one problem.
A Facebook user shared a photo that appeared to show Trump wearing a life vest while walking through knee-deep water.
The image containing numerous #defects, including #missingfingers on Trump’s #hand, some users were quick to shower #praise on the #ConvictedFelon.
#MAGA #Republicans wear #genderaffirmingcare #hypocrisy all over their #snatched #faces — literally
The startling #trend of MAGA Republicans getting ridiculous amounts of #plasticsurgery while simultaneously denying #trans #people #access to gender affirming care is just the latest infuriating example of #conservative #hypocrisy.
"#TheApprentice": the #film #ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump doesn't want you to see
A new #movie about #young #DonaldTrump hits #theaters Friday, despite Trump trying to block its release. It paints an #unflattering #portrait of his #rise as a #realestate #mogul — and Republicans are calling it #election #interference.
The scenes are based on #IvanaTrump's #divorce #deposition in 1990, in which she detailed a 1989 #sexualassault.
#AndersonCooper left #speechless by this #bizarre #MelaniaTrump video. The video, released by #Melania to promote her memoir, due out next week, left Cooper stunned.
In the book, Melania defends the right to abortion — a stark contrast to her years of campaigning for Republicans who have actively sought to roll back abortion rights.
"That's the weirdest #promo I've ever seen... Wow."
After this #photo, #people are #wondering if #ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump is #losingpatience with #ElonMusk
Now I’ve seen plenty of images of disgusting men in my life, but this one has special resonance. Imagine being such a #tool that you count a Donald J. Trump #political #rally as the most exciting #outing of your #adult #life.
A #Michigan #Senate #candidate aims to achieve what no #Republican has done in three decades. Win.
#Republicans think they see an opening in both contests.
#Montana #GOP #Senate #candidate says #women have been '#indoctrinated' on #abortion.
In newly unearthed #audio from last year, #TimSheehy said abortion is "all" young #women "want to talk about."
More importantly, ban him from contracting with the federal government.
@vruz I am in favor of them using eminent domain to take his companies after they deport him.
I'll be just as happy in either order of that sequence of events
Republicans are going to do the same that the far right has done in other countries like Britain and Argentina, creating a new far right party that works in tandem with the more traditional and institutional right wing.
Can you imagine if she said "He's a failed business man, several times over and even as limpdicked as he must be, managed to rape women."
The press would eat her alive.