I eventually relented to Jack’s requests to out me. After all, wasn’t this my life’s intention now — living out and proud? Wasn’t this the example that I wanted to set for my children?

I eventually relented to Jack’s requests to out me. After all, wasn’t this my life’s intention now — living out and proud? Wasn’t this the example that I wanted to set for my children?
If you like TJ Klune, Fredrik Backman, or are a gay man of *ahem* a certain age - or wondered what it was like to be gay and coming of age in the 70's, I highly recommend Matt Cain's The Secret Life of Albert Entwistle.
A delightful and solid read, bullying and bashing take a back seat to a story of everyday human courage and survival, with an ending that will make you smile.
Here are all of the celebrities who came out in 2025 (so far) https://www.inbella.com/962543/here-are-all-of-the-celebrities-who-came-out-in-2025-so-far/ #AlexisFloyd #BriannaChickenfry #Celebrities #Celebrities2025 #CelebritiesComingOut #CelebritiesNews #ComingOut #ComingOut2025 #ComingOutStory #JadeCarey #JennyBlakeIsabella #PAULREUBENS #PeeWeeHerman
4,5 Jahre der Geheimhaltung sind nun vorbei. #DSDS Sängerin Linda Teodosiu (33) hat sich geoutet – und stellt voller Stolz ihre große Liebe Alexandra vor! "Ich habe mich nicht getraut, sehr viele Jahre" #RTL #Comingout #lesbisch #gay
„Ich habe noch nie jemanden getroffen, der sein Coming-out bereut hat.“ Film-Legende Ian McKellen fordert: Hollywoods queere Stars sollen sich endlich outen – und nicht länger auf geldgierige Agenten hören! #hollywood #comingout #ianmckellen #stars
The worst part about coming out, it seems, is the imposter syndrome going into immediate overdrive and the sudden feeling that you need to "perform" to live up to everyone's expectations of you (or rather your own expectations of what their expectations are).
But the thing is, I'm still just me, just ... a little more open about who I am. Or trying. I haven't changed, and even if I'm always growing and developing as a person, it doesn't and won't happen overnight.
I'm not a werewolf, or gay, but it's the full moon so ... I'm coming out anyway
16 years ago, I came out to close friends on Livejournal. I shared that post to my blog.
Teaser Trailer for "The First Out", produced in 2012 for a fundraising campaign for a #movie about a #gay #baseball player. Check it out on #Wattpad #lgbt #baseballromance #civilrights #humanrights #gayathlete #lgbtqsports #gayfiction #lgbtqfiction #comingout
@TalkinBaseball_ https://www.wattpad.com/1524574352-the-first-out-trailer
#comingout #lesbien #transmasc #butch #lesboy
Bon j'ai un truc à vous dire, ça fait depuis quelques mois, au début je pensais que j'étais gay et bi, mais je me suis totalement trompé sur moi, je pensais mieux me connaître (ce qui est frustrant), je suis ni gay, ni bi et ni hétéro, je ne me suis pas rendu compte de moi même au début, je suis lesbien et mon identité est butch lesboy qui me correspond le plus. Je suis transmasc et non-binaire, je suis masculin et je suis à l'aise le fait qu'on me dit que je suis un gars et aussi j'aime me dire je suis un gars pourtant mon identité est pas un homme binaire, je me considère comme transmasc et pas un homme trans binaire car mon identité est aussi non-binaire et je suis très à l'aise dans ma non-binarité (sa se dit se terme ?), je me sens très proche le fait d'être lesbien que de la bisexualité et de l'homosexualité. Ça m'a fait un peu un choque pour moi car je pensais mieux me connaître. Et comme l'a très bien dit oomfie "tu n'as pas du tt à te sentir femme c ça qui est beau avec le lesbianisme, tu es lesbien-ne transmasc nb, tu n'as aucune obligation de t'accrocher à une identité femme" et ça m'a fait trop plaisir de lire ça. Voilà merci de m'avoir lu la team
She wouldn’t die, no not yet.
No place to dwell, no dimension,
except only one.
She found her home
in the masculine realm.
Not where she wanted, ...
To be fair, my mother did tell me that she still loved me after I came out to her — but that was it. Every other reply to any message I sent her was curt, laced with an aura of disdain.
"I am a man. I am gay. I just want to play baseball." "Brokeback Mountain" meets "Bull Durham" in this powerful coming-of-age sports romance about self-acceptance, identity, and the courage to live authentically.
#LGBTQBooks #SportsRomance #GayFiction #lgbtqsports #sports
#baseball #gayromance #Wattpad #diversity #selfacceptance #contemporaryfiction #baseballromance #humanrights
@MLB https://tinyurl.com/56vcccum
There's a new piece on the I am not a taboo! blog!
'A coming out story from a mother's perspective' has been written by Amanda Croft of AC English Coaching to foster discussion of the story themes and what it means to be true to yourself.
Have a look at the questions at the end of the story and let us know what you think.
Three cheers, maybe more with
closet doors open, or was it prison doors?
Freedom for him, freedom for her...
If another’s #comingOut seems courageous, what’s that say about fear that holds you back from living or expressing your inner truth?
Facing #hate seems like when I faced cancer. It’s bravery & it doesn’t feel like it because what’s the alternative? In both cases, I exist & plan to keep on existing.
I met friends a couple of days ago and it was fantastic.
They were really happy to see me, we talked as if 10 years hadn't passed.
I really appreciated they didn't mention anything about my transition, just treated me no different from before.
And today, a doubt.
Did... Did I actually come out to them?!
I checked our message exchange from the past year (on FB unfortunately).
Not sure what to do now.
5.9% of Gen Z women identify as lesbian (compared to just 1.4% in the general population), and 7.7% of Gen Z men identify as bisexual. These numbers are notably higher than those of any previous generation.
Why is that? What’s driving this shift?
Nachdem die Arschlöcher ihr #ComingOut hatten, sollen wir #Queers jetzt zurück in den Schrank. Damit alles seine Richtigkeit hat.
"Die #Budapest Pride sollte 20245 an einem 'geschlossenen Ort' stattfinden und nicht wie bisher an einem öffentlichen Ort."
All our rights are up for grabs...
The First Out is LIVE on Wattpad! Brad Hawley, a rising baseball star, hides his sexuality in a homophobic baseball world. When his secret is exposed, he faces media chaos, locker room tension, and a strained relationship with his father. Can he embrace his truth and become a role model? https://tinyurl.com/The-First-Out #LGBTQReads #BaseballFiction #SportsDrama #Wattpad
#ComingOut #WattpadReads #TheFirstOut #MustRead #baseball #MLB