La xia (Salvia hispanica) és una de les moltes espècies que s'han introduït al nostre país arrel del seu us alimentari (en aquest cas les llavors són emprades en productes de fleca i altres aliments). Per això no ens ha d'estranyar que sobretot la localitzem als sorrals dels rius, aigües avall de les depuradores, on arriben les granes a través de les aigües residuals.
#flora #xia #Salvia #Lamiaceae #floraGuilleries #botànica #botany @plantscience
late for #WildflowerHour. Common Calamint, Clinopodium ascendens, in #Lamiaceae, one of the plants called 'common' that aren't (though classified on Red list as 'Least Concern') -- I had never seen it before. Medway gap, growing a verge subject to irregular mowing that did for most of the Helleborines but enabled this to flourish. #botany
Schmetterlingsflieder mit Besuchern
Summer Lilac with Visitors
August 2021
#Sommerflieder ->
I grew this Anise Hyssop (#Agastache foeniculum) from seed. It was fairly tame the first two years, but it really took over this summer. In fact, it has crowded out a significant chunk of the Wild Bergamot! It is drought-tolerant (I haven’t watered it since the first year - low maintenance! ) and it attracts tons of pollinators.
My #blogarticle about why the #woodlandsage #Salvia #nemorosa (#Lamiaceae), shares preferred ecological zones with the #threadwaisted #wasp #Podalonia #affinis (#Sphecidae) and how these species can even "interact" with each other (randomly).
© StefanFWirth Berlin 2024, park Rehberge
My #blog article on X:
© Stefan F. Wirth Berlin 2024
It's #ThripsThursday and I've learned about a new plant to check for thrips: lamb's ear (_Stachys byzantina_)!
I am familiar with wool carder bees using it, but didn't think to look for other bugs on it.
These were just in people's front yards and they could easily have seen me suspiciously scoping out their plants and accosted me, and if so I was *totally* ready to enthuse at them about thrips. Perhaps sensing this, no one did.
Cuál es el #árbol más extraño del mundo y dónde se encuentra
En los rincones de #África #oriental se esconde este tesoro botánico apenas conocido: la #Karomia #gigas, y es una especie muy singular. Pertenece a las plantas de la familia #Lamiaceae, y se encuentra, aunque en muy pequeños grupos, en los bosques de #Kenia y #Tanzania. No solo es raro, sino que también es extremadamente escaso.
Pouliot des champs, Calament acinos, Calament des champs, Sariette des champs, Sariette acinos, Petit basilic sauvage, Thym basilic, Clinopode champêtre
𝘊𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘶𝘮 𝘢𝘤𝘪𝘯𝘰𝘴 (=𝘊𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘶𝘮 𝘢𝘳𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘴
Late for #WildflowerHour -- Common Hemp Nettle, Galeopsis tetrahit (I think -- based on leaf shape), in #Lamiaceae, from a week and a half ago -- on chalk, Wouldham Common, North Downs Kent. #Botany
Die Rote Taubnessel ist unsere Pflanze des Monats Mai!
In ihren Kronröhren finden zahlreiche Insekten schmackhaften Nektar, auch für den Menschen ist die Pflanze im Wildkräutersalat essbar.
Die Art ist konkurrenzschwach, man findet sie im Grünland an offenem Boden ohne geschlossene Grasnarbe entlang von Wegen und natürlich in Gärten und Weinbergen. Den schlechten Ruf als Unkraut im heimischen Gemüse- und Blumenbeet hat die Rote Taubnessel sicher nicht verdient.
Salvia adiyamanensis
A newly discovered endemic sage from Turkey!
#science #ecology #taxonomy #nature #biodiversity #conservation #botany #wildflowers #flowers #wildplants #plants #wildlife #lamiaceae
@empress @seedtopia
The same species, hump-backed #beewolf (#Philanthus gibbosus) is common in my garden every summer, July through September. In some years, I've seen them as early as June, and as late as October. They visit a wide variety of flowers, preferring #Asteraceae and #Lamiaceae.
Hello, I'm Josh - how are you?
In a past life I was conducting research for a #phd in #invasionecology but now a #conservation officer protecting our most threatened #invertebrates in the 12th worst place for biodiversity decline, #northernireland.
Some #entomology and associated focus for me has included #solitarybees , #wasps and #opiliones. Big fan of plants, especially #Lamiaceae and #Orobanchaceae.
Also do a bit of #macrophotography & encourage biological recording.