“She Was a #HighSchool #Student and There Were #Witnesses.”
The #fight to release a #damning #House #EthicsReport about #allegations that #MattGaetz—#DonaldTrumps #pick for #attorneygeneral—had #sex with a 17-year-old #girl has begun.
#Politics #RepublicanParty #Pedophiles #DrugAbuse #Hypocrisy #SoftOnCrime
If you haven't figured this out yet, #TSA #PreCheck has absolutely nothing to do with #safety. It exists purely for #exploitation of people for more profit when they #travel, and to enforce #discrimination.
They get away with it, because our elected officials and #politicians are terrified of being labeled #SoftOnCrime, even though we know #SecurityTheatre is a lie that doesn't prevent #terrorism.
20+yrs later, we're still taking our shoes off and are limited to 1 qt baggies. #idiocracy
Here's today's evidence of #Luxon being unable to answer a simple question to qualify his hollow rhetoric that blames the former Labour govt being soft on crime for the 30,000 increase in violent crimes since NactFist became govt.
The question being posed is; ...just what tangible Labour policy was there that points to that showed that they were soft on criminals?
#Prison #rehabilitation numbers down 74% since 2010, #MoJ data shows
Almost 12,000 fewer inmates completed #OffenderManagementCourses than when #DavidCameron took office
#ToryPoliciesInAction #UnderfundingPublicServices #SoftOnCrime #CriminalJusticeSystem
"#Intentional": #Harvard #legalscholar says #Corrupt #Partisan #SCOTUS "deliberately #delayed" #Trump #immunity #ruling to delay his trial beyond the election.
"The delay that has occurred here is intentional, and it is destructive of our #democratic #process," #professor says
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Conservatives #Extremism #Fascism #Religion #RepublicanParty #SoftOnCrime #ThePartyOfHate #EmptyThePews
'#Prisons in #England and #Wales will be at ‘breaking point’ in July, governors told
Exclusive: heads of prisons say they will no longer be able to accept new inmates ‘very soon’ after 4 July #election
#GE2024 #ToryPoliciesInAction #SoftOnCrime [ #CriminalJusticeSystem is *not* devolved in Wales, it always has been in Scotland & is in NI]
#Republicans' #CapitolHill #peprally for #convicted #felon #DonaldTrump's #return to #WashingtonDC was a #flop.
The #GOP may be #giddily welcoming #Trump back after Jan. 6, but their #fawning can't #hide his #unfitness for the office he seeks.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Conservatives #Extremism #Fascism #RepublicanParty #Hypocrisy #SoftOnCrime #ThePartyOfHate
#MikeJohnson’s #sleazy new #scheme to #Protect #Trump from #CriminalProsecution should fire up #Dems.
With #Republicans hatching vile plans to #shield #DonaldTrump from further #prosecution #Representative #EricSwalwell explains how #Democrats can go on #offense against #Trump’s and his party's #criminality.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Conservatives #Extremism #Fascism #Religion #Hypocrisy #RepublicanParty #SoftOnCrime #ThePartyOfHate #EmptyThePews
'#Police in #England and #Wales fail to catch any thieves in 100 neighbourhoods -
The rise in #VehicleCrime has also fuelled high costs for #CarInsurance. The average #UK premium was a record £995 in the final quarter of last year, '
#ToryPoliciesInAction #UnderfundingPublicServices #SoftOnCrime
Over 5,500 #UnpaidWorkOrders not completed after two years in #England and #Wales
Exclusive: Orders should be done within a year of sentence as experts blame ‘chronic #understaffing’ in #ProbationService
#ToryPoliciesInAction #SoftOnCrime #UnderfundingPublicServices
#HMRC prosecutes just 11 wealthy individuals in the past year
Critics are demanding more action after charges brought by the agency against rich taxpayers fall by two-thirds since 2018
https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/sep/30/hmrc-prosecutes-just-11-wealthy-individuals-in-the-past-year #ToryPoliciesInAction #SoftOnCrime
“Tough on Crime” Republican Attorney General Candidate Is Soft on Sex Offenders
Someone steals $720,000 and gets home detention. I am assuming the #SoftOnCrime folks will be turning in their graves about this
And yet people in #poverty stealing a fraction of that amount to survive are vilified
The #nzpol #SoftOnCrime crowd seemed to have missed these two guys stealing thousands before being asked to sit at home. They might call it a victimless crime, but I doubt if the people of #Christchurch who battled with #EQC for years would agree
Global News BC: Crime, public safety dominate spicy question period at B.C. legislature https://globalnews.ca/news/9633060/bc-crime-public-safety-legislature-debate/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #policevacancies #ElenoreSturko #MikeFarnworth #PublicSafety #softoncrime #B.C.crime #Politics #BCUnited #Police #Crime #BCNDP #RCMP
Analogue antidote for digital overload. A friend released a tape and it's catchy https://softoncrime.bandcamp.com/album/new-suite #BandcampFriday #SoftonCrime
#RepublicansBackLosers: The killer’s #SoftOnCrime father, a Mormon and a conservative expressed “relief that his child was only a #ColoradoSprings “mass murderer and not a homosexual”- The Guardian”