#mastodon #naturalist surely you are out there
my best shots of the full moon, blood moon lunar eclipse near totality March 13th & 14th.
#moon #bloodmoon #fullmoon #lunareclipse #bloodmooneclipse #nightsky #naturalist #totality #nature
Oh, yes.... forgot to mention...
It's spring peeper time in Southern Ohio!
You know what's great about not yet being an expert in #naturalist topics?
I was sure I heard a gull yesterday. Merlin informed me it's a red-shouldered hawk. It is crazy to me how birds you think you know (from media,) you really don't know.
Don't get me started on the bald eagle...
Anyway our RS hawks are out doing their thing this morning. Beautiful!
first red-winged blackbird of the season! spring is HERE, spring is HERE! (he looks a little cold)
I thought originally it was a small crow (he was very far away), nice surprise as I curated my SD card this afternoon!
#nature #birds #redwingedblackbird #spring #rewilding #naturalist #ontario
"strike a pose"
american tree sparrow
#birds #wildlife #nature #photography #birdphotography #naturephotography #naturalist
Meet the Flame Angelfish (Centropyge loricula), a jewel of Pacific reefs! The vibrant pygmy angel dazzles with fiery red and striking patterns—nature's artistry at its finest. #MarineLifeWonder #Naturalisthttps://www.cernunnosfoundation.com/nature-pictures/centropyge-loricula/
"There may be instances where only a single cannabinoid (isolate - as in hemp extract) is needed, but in general, cannabinoids work best together and deliver the entourage effect. Pinene and CBD can mitigate some of THC’s adverse effects on short-term memory. A broad spectrum of cannabinoids is also ideal for treating cancer, as they work synergistically to boost their antitumor properties. Combining cannabinoids and terpenoids ( as in complete spectrum FLOWER) can also improve their usefulness as anti-inflammatories and painkillers."
Lets take care of our bodies and
minds too ( not just our computers and software). Self-care its a form of resistance in these trying times. Synthetic medication is always a double edge sword.
#health #medical #healthscience #marijuananews #marijuana #medicalcannabis #weed
#regenerativemedicine #cbd
#thc #cbn #thca #pain #chronicillness #chronic
#autoinmunedisease #autoinmume #medicalcrisis
#solarpunk #naturalist #herbalmedicine #herbalism
Yoder Lab grad student Pryce Millikin went scouting this weekend and confirmed we're in for a good Joshua tree flowering season!
If you're in the Mojave this spring, help us learn how weather affects the trees' specialized pollinators by joining our iNaturalist project
In which I find myself on the front page of the Sunday op-ed section in the newspaper my parents have subscribed to since I learned out to read it, hoping to rally hometown opposition to the Trump administration's destruction of federal research agencies
Local boy makes op-ed
It feels like it's time for a new #introduction
I'm Daniel! He / him.
I'm a husband and Master #Naturalist from Louisiana and living in northeast #Oregon.
I post about #birds, #birding, #insects, #NativePlants, #iNaturalist, and everything else that I find in our travels around this beautiful Earth of ours.
I am a practitioner of #Soto #Zen #Buddhism, a #photographer, web developer, wood carver, and burgeoning gardener.
Website: https://daniel.observer
One more #MondaysAreForTheBirds post for the day. This is one of the bluebird couples that frequents our feeders and waterer. Bluebird nesting season is quickly approaching
#Bluebird #EasternBluebird #backyardbirding #BackyardBirds #Birdstodon #birding #naturalist #nature #wildlifephotography #KC-ish #Missouri