A Sceliphron mud dauber wasp carries a glob of mud back to her mud nest, the weight of her load counterbalanced by her unusual petiolate abdomen. Texas. #sceliphron #sphecidae #wasp #insects #flight
A Sceliphron mud dauber wasp carries a glob of mud back to her mud nest, the weight of her load counterbalanced by her unusual petiolate abdomen. Texas. #sceliphron #sphecidae #wasp #insects #flight
VIDEO. Hi han dies que val més quedar-se al llit. Aquesta femella de Podalonia tydei va intentar repetidament trobar un punt adient per excavar un niu. Va treure rocs i munts de sorra. Malgrat tot, va seguir excavant en altres punts, però el que no esperava era trobar una formiga emprenyada que li mossegués una pota (25").
A nap ízeltlábúja a hártyásszárnyúak kaparódarazsak családjába tartozó feketenyelű lopódarázs - Sceliphron caementarium https://www.izeltlabuak.hu/faj/feketenyelu-lopodarazs/talalatok #feketenyelűLopódarázs #SceliphronCaementarium #kaparódarazsak #Sphecidae #hártyásszárnyúak
Grass-carrying Wasp, Isodontia mexicana Canon 7D EFS 60 2.8 f/5.6 1/160 iso: 400 Prague, Czech Republic 7/16/2024 #Wasps #ThreadWaisted #Sphecidae #hymenoptera #insects #invertebrates #Macro #grasslands
Grass-carrying Wasp, Isodontia mexicana Canon 7D EFS 60 2.8 f/6.3 1/ 320 iso:160 Prague, Czech Republic 7/16/2024 #Wasps #Thread-wasted #Sphecidae #Hymenoptera #insects #invertebrates #macro #grasslands
This wasp is here to tell you I have reached 2000 species on iNat!
No, I guess shes just after that sweet sweet nectar...
My #blogarticle about why the #woodlandsage #Salvia #nemorosa (#Lamiaceae), shares preferred ecological zones with the #threadwaisted #wasp #Podalonia #affinis (#Sphecidae) and how these species can even "interact" with each other (randomly).
© StefanFWirth Berlin 2024, park Rehberge
My #blog article on X:
© Stefan F. Wirth Berlin 2024
A gyakori lopódarázs agyagból építi fészkét és lárvái etetésére megbénított pókokat helyez el benne. A fajhoz tartozó felhasználói észlelések: https://www.izeltlabuak.hu/faj/gyakori-lopodarazs/talalatok #gyakoriLopódarázs #SceliphronDestillatorium #kaparódarazsak #Sphecidae
Field Sand Wasp, Ammophila campestris Canon 400D EF 100 2.8 f/11 1/160 iso: 400 Milovice, Czech Republic 6/18/2009 #SandWasps #Wasps #hymenoptera #Ammophila #Sphecidae; #insects #nvertebrates #macro #grasslands
Mexican grass-carrying wasp (Isodontia mexicana) dragging a paralyzed tree cricket into its nest. The species is now in Europe, too, showing up first in France in the early 1960s. #wasps #insects #entomology #nature #BeeHotel #InsectHotel #isodontia #sphecidae #orthoptera
Managed to get a photograph of the parent today. Given the all-black color and pale hair I think this is a Mexican grass-carrying wasp (Isodontia mexicana). #wasps #insects #entomology #nature #BeeHotel #InsectHotel #isodontia #sphecidae
UPDATE: Here's the wasp larva after just three (3!) days eating tree crickets. What a piglet. #wasps #insects #entomology #nature #BeeHotel #InsectHotel #isodontia #sphecidae
Exciting news: a grass-carrying wasp (Isodontia sp.) has moved into the observation panel at my insect hotel. The shiny yellow object on the right is the wasp egg. The tree crickets are all alive but paralyzed. #wasps #insects #entomology #TreeCricket #nature #BeeHotel #InsectHotel #isodontia #sphecidae
Una femella d'Ammophila heyden, de la família Sphecidae, davant del seu niu encara en construcció. Tot just després, entrarà diverses vegades per tal de fer la galeria més profunda.