@tejan the only correct way to deal with this is using proper #E2EE like #PGP/MIME & anonymous eMail accounts.
Same goes with #Messengers, which is why I only recommend #XMPP+#OMEMO (i.e. @monocles / #monoclesChat & @gajim / #gajim ) & PGP/MIME (i.e. @delta / #deltaChat & @thunderbird / #Thunderbird), because unlike #proprietary #SingleVendor & #SingoeProvider solutions, they offer #SelfCustody so even if a provider is cooperative or served a #subopena or got theor equipment seized, they can't decrypt the contents!
@GrapheneOS nodds in agreement
And that is why #Telegram rightfully got hit by #Germany and #France with fines, as per their platform like #Shitter, #NSAbook and others, Telegram can easily do #ServerSideScanning of #content and do #ContentModeration, but explicitly choose not to.
Whereas worst-case with most real #E2EE incl. #SelfCustody, it's technically impossible for the provider to #decrypt data even when forced to hand out everything at gunpoint...
[Portable App] BinHex CryPactor - Manipulate Binary and Hexadecimal Strings.
#Bin #Binary #HEX #Hexadecimal
#Encrypt #Decrypt #Compact #Uncompact
#Regex #RegularExpression #unicode
#Windows #windows11 #windows10 #Windows7
I just released version 0.1.0 (the very first ) of the nethsm-cli #crate.
This #RustLang application serves as #CLI to #NitroKey #NetHSM (or the provided testing container).
The `nethsm` application allows users to configure and administrate devices, create cryptographic keys and users, digitally #sign, #encrypt and #decrypt messages, generate random bytes and much more (see examples in the project README).
Some #programmingtools tend to encrypt/lock the data so it be not used to with by other tools!
#HapaUjanjaTu this #ujanja could help #decrypt into a standard .bin binary format so any tool be of use, #inshaAllah
Follow the attached instructions as the #hack is device specific!
[Browsers App] End-To-End Digital Check - Create or Check (Verify) Digital Data Offline and in Real Time. (Face and Phone Verification.)
#Data #Face #Phone #Check #Verification
#E2EE #E2EC #EndToEnd #Message #Text #Encryption #Decryption #Cryption #crypter #cypher
#Encrypt #Decrypt #Crypt #EndToEndEncryption #EndToEndCryption
#Infosec #netsec #cybersec #CyberSecurity
#Firefox #Chrome #Opera #Edge #Safari
[Browsers App] End-To-End Message Crypter - Encrypt\Decrypt Messages In Real Time.
#E2EE #E2EC #EndToEnd #Message #Text #Data #Encryption #Decryption #Cryption #crypter #cypher
#Encrypt #Decrypt #Crypt #EndToEndEncryption #EndToEndCryption
#Infosec #netsec #cybersec #CyberSecurity
#Firefox #Chrome #Opera #Edge #Safari
#Android #Amazon #AmazonAppstore
[Browsers App] Digital Check - Create or Check (Verify) Digital Data Offline and in Real Time. (Face and Phone Verification.)
#Data #Face #Phone #Check #Verification
#Message #Text #Encryption #Decryption #Cryption #crypter #cypher
#Encrypt #Decrypt #Crypt
#Infosec #netsec #cybersec #CyberSecurity
#Firefox #Chrome #Opera #Edge #Safari
#Android #Amazon #AmazonAppstore
[Browsers App] Message Crypter - Encrypt\Decrypt Messages In Real Time.
#Message #Text #Data #Encryption #Decryption #Cryption #crypter #cypher
#Encrypt #Decrypt #Crypt
#Infosec #netsec #cybersec #CyberSecurity
#Firefox #Chrome #Opera #Edge #Safari
#Android #Amazon #AmazonAppstore
#Facebook snooped on users’ Snapchat traffic in secret project, documents reveal
"Facebook launched a secret project designed to #intercept and #decrypt the network traffic between people using Snapchat’s app and its servers."
Is there even one single thing that is improving in the #UK? I don't think so.
«The "confidentiality of communications is an essential element of the right to respect for private life and correspondence," the ECHR's ruling said. Thus, requiring messages to be decrypted by law enforcement "cannot be regarded as necessary in a democratic society."»
#Backdoors that let cops #decrypt messages violate human #rights, #EU court says
#Backdoors that let cops #decrypt messages violate #humanrights, #EU court says
#Backdoors That Let Cops #Decrypt Messages Violate #HumanRights, #EU Court Says - Slashdot
#privacy #encryption #rights
CyberChef from GCHQ: Cyber Swiss Army Knife
#ycombinator #base64 #hex #decode #encode #encrypt #decrypt #compress #decompress #regex #regular_expressions #hash #crypt #hexadecimal #user_agent #url #certificate #x_509 #parser #JSON #gzip #md5 #sha1 #aes #des #blowfish #xor
CyberChef from GCHQ: The Cyber Swiss Army Knife
#ycombinator #base64 #hex #decode #encode #encrypt #decrypt #compress #decompress #regex #regular_expressions #hash #crypt #hexadecimal #user_agent #url #certificate #x_509 #parser #JSON #gzip #md5 #sha1 #aes #des #blowfish #xor
"US Judge Bans Changpeng ‘CZ’ Zhao from Leaving the Country"
#decrypt - https://decrypt.co/209060/us-judge-bans-changpeng-cz-zhao-from-leaving-the-country
[Android] End-To-End Digital Check - Create or Check (Verify) Digital Data Offline and in Real Time. (Face and Phone Verification.)
#Data #Face #Phone #Check #Verification
#E2EE #E2EC #EndToEnd #Message #Text #Encryption #Decryption #Cryption #crypter #cypher
#Encrypt #Decrypt #Crypt #EndToEndEncryption #EndToEndCryption
#Infosec #netsec #cybersec #CyberSecurity
#Android #Amazon #AmazonAppstore