TL;DR: #genderroles, Christianity, and US politics
When I was #LDS I gave a lot of talks in church. This is normal. There's no clapping in Sacrament Meeting, but people express their appreciation for especially good talks afterward, with a handshake or a "nice talk!"
Well, I gave a few that got no positive responses. For example, I once gave a talk--backed up with plenty of scriptures and prophetic utterances--asserting that Jesus' message could validly be interpreted as "Brothers, why can't you be more like your sisters?"
I still think this is a reasonable take on the teachings of Jesus as appearing in the #Bible (and the Book of #Mormon and Doctrine & Covenants). Turning the other cheek, not complaining about your occupiers' oppression, blessing those who despitefully use you, and--gasp--identifying with a sexually promiscuous woman instead of the people trying to punish her: these are direct rejections of age-old hegemonic #masculinity.
Yeah, nobody told me they enjoyed my talk that day.
And here we are, at least 20 years into the violent return of the most toxic wife-beater rhetoric. All our big fascists are going all in on pure contempt for femininity and #women, rabidly preaching #misogyny. Most of them call themselves "Christian," while their "#Christian" followers cheer.
This is not an education issue; this is not ignorance. Every one of those Christians cheering Joe Rogan, Andrew Tate, Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and now Zuck and Bezos have 100% been taught the words of Jesus. They've been sermonized to since birth about the Man from Galilee feeding the poor, talking with women at wells instead of men in houses, and telling rich guys to give away their wealth if they want to go to heaven. They've had a choice, day in and day out, to either listen to the stories about kindness and compassion for the disadvantaged or the ones about domination and oppression. They are making their choice, and this choice, at least, is fully fucking informed.