#PeteButtigieg, #OprahWinfrey & #TimWalz destroy #DonaldTrump & #ShadyVance (#JDVance) during #DNC’s third night.
#LGBTQ+ #speakers graced the stage, with one of them telling the #SupremeCourt, "You can pry this #weddingband from my #cold, #dead, #gay hand!"
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Politics #DemocraticParty #Allies #Conservatives #Extremism #Fascism #Religion #RepublicanParty #Hate #Bigotry #Violence #ThePartyOfHate #EmptyThePews #Megathread
#DNC in #Chicago Day 4: Timing, #schedule, list of #speakers, #streetclosures and more.
Day three of the DNC in Chicago was highlighted by big #speeches from Minnesota Gov. #TimWalz, #OprahWinfrey, #MindyKaling and #StevieWonder. #VicePresident and #Democratic #presidential #nominee #KamalaHarris will speak Tonight.
#DemocraticNationalConvention's final night to feature #gun #violence #survivors.
Former Rep. #GabbyGiffords, Rep. #LucyMcBath and the '#TennesseeThree" will #speak Thursday night, along with other #advocates and #survivors.
#VicePresident #KamalaHarris ushers in a new #Democratic era, stepping out of #President #JoeBiden shadow
As the President #tearfulgoodbye to the #DemocraticParty, a #liberated #KamalaHarris stepped out of his shadow and commandeered the national stage.
#Democrats conclude their #convention Thursday with their new #standardbearer, #VicePresident and the #DemocraticParty #Nominee for #President #KamalaHarris
She’ll share her #background rising from a #middleclass #family to #protect others as a #prosecutor, contrast her “#optimistic” #vision for the #future with #Trump’s “#dark” #agenda and evoke a sense of #patriotism, the official said.
[Audio] All eyes at the #DNC turn to #VicePresident #KamalaHarris for her turn to #address #delegates.
#Democratic #VicePresident #nominee #TimWalz introduced himself to the nation in a #primetime #address at the #convention. Vice President #KamalaHarris will give the convention's keynote address on Thursday night.
Playbook: What #VicePresident #KamalaHarris will say tonight.
Tonight, Harris herself will have the chance to make the #case in the biggest #speech of her #career and one of the most important #moments of the 2024 #presidential #campaign.
#Gay #Rep. #RobertGarcia reveals #VicePresident #KamalaHarris’ biggest #LGBTQ+ #goal for her #presidency
He mentioned #bookbans and Trump's other #attacks on #LGBTQ+ #people, but here's Harris' number one goal... #Equality
#VicePresident #KamalaHarris and #Governor #TimWalz’s #SecretWeapon Against the #Republicans.
There’s a #deadly #new #word on everyone’s lips at the #DemocraticNationalConvention this week. #Freedom
‘Nobody ever stood up for her’: #VicePresident #KamalaHarris’ #skill in prosecuting #sexcrimes and other difficult #cases defined her #career.
As a young #prosecutor, Harris was entrusted with significant responsibility in some of the most challenging cases.
'A #vibe I’m feeling': Here's what #people are #saying about #VicePresident #KamalaHarris
Earlier this month, longtime #Republican #LaTrellBell took up a #friend’s #invitation to attend a #HarrisWalz #rally in his #hometown of #Detroit. Now he's going to #vote for Kamala Harris.
#Polls suggest millions of #Americans are changing their presidential #voting plans with Harris currently topping the #Democratic #ticket.
#VicePresident #KamalaHarris leads #Trump among #Hispanic #voters in #Arizona.
#Economic #issues top list of #priorities for #Hispanic #voters in the state, according to a new #poll.
Her #mother's #daughter: What #ShyamalaGopalan's #legacy means to #VicePresident #KamalaHarris.
In the #story of Kamala Harris’ #life, her mother steals the show. The vice president would have it no other way.
— This story will also appear in the international section.
In #VicePresident #KamalaHarris' #ancestral #village in #India, #people #cheer her #US #presidential #bid.
At a small #temple in southern #India, a group of people has been #praying every day since late last month: “May Kamala Harris #win this #election. May she #visit this #temple and do good for our #village.”
— This story will also appear in the international section.
#KamalaHarris’ #family #members are #poppingup around #Chicago this week during the #DNC. Here’s #WhosWho
Lets take a look at the members of #Harris’ #blendedfamily.
#VicePresident #Nominee #TimWalz #Torches #Republicans’ “#Weird” #Project2025 in #DNC #Speech.
Walz brought his “weird” quip full circle in an electric DNC speech.
#Democratic #VP #Nominee #TimWalz Just Showed Why #VicePresident #KamalaHarris Picked Him
#Inclusive, at times #postpartisan, and persistently exuding #commonsense with the best of the #Midwest’s offerings
#Watchout, #Trump: #DemocraticParty #VP #Nominee #TimWalz shows he’s not just #MinnesotaNice
#Coach #TimWalz made his #case to #America.
How #DemocraticParty #VP #Nominee #TimWalz Learned To Throw a #Punch
The #vicepresidential #candidate was a steady #centrist. Now he’s a #fighting #progressive.
[Video] WATCH: #DemocraticParty #VP #Nominee #TimWalz says ‘#mindyourowndamnbusiness’ when it comes to #reproductive #freedom.
“When it comes to reproductive rights,” Walz says #Minnessotans have a #goldenrule: “Mind your own damn business.”
#DemocraticParty #VP #Nominee #TimWalz is #selling #liberalism in #conservative #packaging.
At the #DemocraticNationalConvention, Walz reclaimed #smalltownvalues for the #left.
[Video] Behind #DemocraticParty #VP #Nominee #TimWalz, #Democrats #redefine modern #masculinity, contrasting with the #regressive #MAGA #caricature
#DemocraticParty #VP #Nominee #TimWalz rebuffs #Trump and #Vance’s #antiLGBTQ #attacks in #convention #speech
The #VicePresident #nominee #pledges to keep #government ‘the hell out of your #bedroom’
— The previous story brought this to mind...
#WednesdayNightLights: To #Vouch for #CoachWalz, His Old #Players #StepUp.
Fifteen #men clad in #football #jerseys took the #stage at the #DemocraticNationalConvention as the #MankatoWest #HighSchool #fightsong played.
#TimWalz on #BookBans, #ReproductiveRights, and #Guns
Regarding book bans he says, "while other #states were #banning #books from their #schools, we were #banishing #hunger from ours," referring to his time as #governor of #Minnesota.
#NeilYoung allows #TimWalz to use ‘#RockinintheFreeWorld’
As he finished his resounding #address at the 2024 #DemocraticNationalConvention, the #VicePresidential #nominee #TimWalz got the #crowd going once more as he bowed out to the #soundtrack of #NeilYoung‘s #classic #anthem ‘Rockin’ in the Free World’.
#TimWalz's #son #GusWalz wins the night.
But the #star of the third night of the Democratic National Convention may wind up being 17-year old Gus Walz, whose #sobbing #celebration of his #father — “That’s my #dad!” he #joyously #yelled — has already captivated the #internet.
#TimWalz's #son #GusWalz has a #learning #disorder. Can his #visibility help #disabled #Americans?
#Minnesota #Gov. #TimWalz, the #vicepresidential #runningmate of #Democratic #presidential #nominee #KamalaHarris, has spoken openly and lovingly about his 17-year-old son Gus, who has #ADHD, along with a nonverbal #learningdisorder and an #anxietydisorder.
The #Abortion #message is #shifting at #DNC.
#Democrats have spent two years running on the #demise of #Roe by focusing on #women with #wantedpregnancies who were #denied #emergency #abortioncare. Not this week.
#Catholics at the #DNC: You won't go to hell for #voting #Democratic
Dean, who has been #endorsed by #PlannedParenthood for her #support of #legal #abortion, said she remembers feeling "#disrespected for who I was, what my #faith believes and what I stood for."
My #Black #Jewish 7-year-old #loves #KamalaHarris — and I love her #interfaith, #blendedfamily
For #Black #Jewish #families like mine, the #prospect of a #HarrisEmhoff #WhiteHouse couldn’t be more #thrilling
How #Democrats Are Staving Off #TheBigLie 2.0.
The last four years have shown “an increase in #risk” for #election #disinformation—but also a “#strengthening of #safeguards” against it.
[Video] Former #VicePresident #MikePence #aide says #Trump is 'laying the #groundwork to #undermine this #election'.
#OliviaTroye, who served as an aide to Vice President Mike Pence, recalled #resigning from the #Trump #administration in her #remarks at the #DNC. She #warned that Trump is laying the groundwork to undermine the 2024 election.
#MichelleObama: Yes, We Have #AffirmativeAction for the #Wealthy
There are #unearned #advantages available only to the #few—but #Republicans won’t talk about that.
— Protecting it is the very basis of their existence. It is called #WhiteSupremacy
No, #former #FirstLady #MichelleObama Isn't #Trans — But Here's Why Her #Critics Repeat the #FalseClaim.
#Socialmedia posts from #Conservatives calling the former first lady "Big Mike" circulated after her #speech at the 2024 #DemocraticNationalConvention.
#PeteButtigieg Calls Out #ShadyVance (#JDVance) at the #DNC—One #Veteran to Another. Shots were fired
The #Ohio #senator and #Republican #VP #Nominee previously claimed that the “#childless #left” have “no #physical #commitment to the #future of this #country”
#Buttigieg #rebuked Vance’s #controversial #comments about #childless #Americans by invoking his #wartime #deployment to #Afghanistan—something he called “pretty damn #physical.”
#PeteButtigieg Invokes His #MilitaryService to #Roast #ShadyVance (#JDVance): ‘Our #Commitment to the #Future of this #Country was Pretty Damn #Physical’ | Video
The #SecretaryofTransportation delivers a #rousing #speech at the 2024 #DemocraticNationalConvention
[Video] #PeteButtigieg says #GOP’s #approach to #LGBTQ #rights “not the #path to #political #success” some of them “seem to think it is.”
WATCH: #VicePresident #KamalaHarris is the right person to #lead #America to a ‘#joyous #future,’ #Out #Colorado #Gov. #JaredPolis says
Polis also said he was thrilled by Harris’ decision to choose #Minnesota Gov. #TimWalz as her running mate.
#Oprah Absolutely #Wrecks #ShadyVance (#JDVance) in #DNC #Speech.
She #mocked Vance’s #comment about “#childlesscatladies” on stage.
[Video] #OprahWinfrey alludes to #ShadyVance's (#JDVance) #childlesscatladies' #jibe
Winfrey spoke about #racism, #sexism, and #incomeinequality as she addressed the #DemocraticNationalConvention in #Chicago..
She pointed out that when a #house was on #fire, #Americans did not ask about #people's "#race or #religion", but did their best to #save them, even if they were "#ChildlessCatLadies".
@Susan_Larson_TN Except we live in a world on a planet that neoliberal policy is messing up.
It's not about America or Oprah to confront Mother Nature (Laws of Thermodynamics) - it's about all of us to work this out. I can tell you we really are one species and some are messing up more than others.
No one is great to have hate and see others as a problem. I should take my exclamations to X, Grok and Elon.
@Susan_Larson_TN So much of USA politics is entangled in religion - especially the Abrahamic ones.
Since the Mayflower landed, Catholics escaped Europe, Jews established control of banking and media etc there's been a problem. Hopefully things are moving into C21 rationale?