#HappyBirthday @theanthonydelongis #anthonydelongis #actor #FirstMajeCulluh #startrek #voyager #mastersoftheuniverse #BattlestarGalactica #MacGyver #TheHunted #arrestedevelopment #riseofthelonestarranger #roadhouse #theswordandthesorcerer #circleofiron #startrek58 @startrek @startrekonpplus @streammaxla
Corkscrew went missing. Had to improvise. A screw and a pliers did the trick.
Games are ranked this low either because they're terrible, or because they have very few ratings. Looking at my list of games, I have the following hidden gems:
* The MacGyver Escape Room game, ranked 22,536: yeah, it's a TV tie-in & they're usually terrible... but this was an enjoyable set of puzzles, though it used flimsy materials that you modify/destroy when you play, so it's one-time use. https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/257598/macgyver-the-escape-room-game
* Teeter Tower, ranked 12,200: this is a fun dexterity game about stacking dice and tiles in an increasingly rickety structure. https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/358051/teeter-tower
* Star Trek: Chrono-Trek is a Trek-themed version of Chrononauts, where you flip cards to repair the timeline. The original game uses 20th-century history; this retheming uses a lot of Star Trek lore. https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/268276/star-trek-chrono-trek
What are you watching tonight?
1987 ABC Monday - MacGyver - On Fire
#MacGyver #Television #TvShow #TvMovie #Retro #Vintage #RichardDeanAnderson #JohnForsythe
#Happybirthday @JeriLRyan #JeriLRyan #actress #7of9 #startrek #voyager #startrekpicard #theoc #helix #darkskies #dracula2000 #DarkWinds #macgyver #ncis #twoandahalfmen #bostonpublic #bostonlegal #AgainsttheWild2 #SurvivetheSerengeti #majorcrimes #BodyofProof #bosch #mortalkombat #rebirth #startrek58 @trekcore
Unfortunately, we've discovered that this fox is not well. When it returned, we noticed how shabby its coat is, and it appears to be missing an eye. Reached out to some wildlife rescue agencies, and they will come and pick it up if we can somehow contain it.
Got some raw dog food in our garden shed with a cozy bed. Moved our driveway motion sensor inside that shed. Ran a rope from the door handle to my garage. Now we wait...
Well, look who showed up in MacGyver Season 5 Episode 13.
It's Christopher Judge, AKA Teal'c!
IT WORKED! Sticky-tape fixes a popped bag of SteamFresh.